Friday 11 July 2014

Here I Am

Here I am, starting a blog. I'm not sure how often I will post but I'm going to do it anyway.

I've recently started Camp Scrap from and I want to be able to show the world (or even a tiny portion of it) what I've been creating as a result.

First up, there are a few things to know about me:

1: I have 2 daughters, one aged 6 and one who is just 3 months old so I don't get much time to do anything right now
2: Crafting is a hobby and obsession for me, I will try any craft to see if I like it and most of them stick.
3: I love feedback, I crave positive reinforcement and can handle constructive criticism but I'm not willing to take insults.

With that said I'm going to post a few pictures of what I've been up to for the past couple of weeks.

 This is my first ever Art Journalling page. I just had some fun doodling with pens and adding some acrylic paints. It is far from a perfect artwork but that is why I like it. I simply approached it with the idea that I would enjoy the process.
 Still in my Art Journal, a little self portrait. I got myself some new pens and wanted to try them out. Again, not perfect, and looks very little like me, but I had fun trying

Finally, my lovely new clock. I had made myself a clock a couple of years ago using an mdf square and a clock mechanism I had bought from eBay. I had simply covered it in some paper and put some numbers on. It was functional, but far from pretty. So this week, inspired by the Mixed Media section of Camp Scrap, I decided to revamp it. I covered it in some fresh paper, added a layer of white acrylic paint, popped on some Thickers for the numbers and I was away. I also used Heidi Swapp color mist to paint the numbers in gold and added a few drops around the clock face. Finished off with some paper flowers and butterfly embellishments and I am really happy with what I have made.

Thanks for visiting, feel free to leave a comment.

Anne -x-


  1. Thank you Victoria, I do think it looks pretty cool, but it was so easy to make, which makes it even better in my eyes. Thanks for visiting!
